American Adoption Congress 2017 Conference Theme

Erica Babino

A focus of the AAC is to change legislation throughout the United States as it relates to Original Birth Certificates, access to records and other issues related to advancing adoption and foster care.  Demonstrations, marching, rallies and protests have been a powerful and peaceful means of bringing about social change in this country and around the world.   During the Suffrages Parade in the early 1900s, women and supporters of their movement picketed the White House and continued to have peaceful protests.  Their mistreatment for speaking out led to public outrage and to Congress passing the 19th Amendment guaranteeing the right to vote for women in the United States. 

Mohatma Gandhi practiced and taught peaceful protests and resistance.  During the 1960’s, marchers protested the Vietnam War.  The Civil Rights movement which is more famously known for marches and protests resulted in the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 which prohibits employers from discriminating against employees on the basis of race, color, religion, sex and national origin.  Today, it has been expanded to gender, pregnancy and disability.  This law protects millions of Americans through our country every day and the majority of the members of the AAC.  

Our focus is to march towards passage of OBC legislation all over the country.  The time is NOW!  The first part of the theme is based on OBC legislation and open records laws.  There was a March on Washington planned by key adoption leaders and has been postponed until after the next presidential election. Our goal is for a march to result in the passage of laws supporting Adoptee Rights. 

After the colon, the theme moves towards the healing of which we all speak in our conferences and on social media.  Posting, writing, blogging and having discussions about the pain most, if not all of us have experienced as members of the triad can be healing.  One of the definitions of the word ACTION is a “thing done”.  Of the many steps towards healing is “doing something”.  Starting a support group, volunteering on AAC committees, participating in legislative work to pass laws and speaking out about the civil wrongs in adoption and the foster care system are active and positive ways to continue our healing as adoptees, birth parents and adoptive families.  

Marching towards legislation=Healing for all of us

Let us march until we have our rights and our spirits restored! 
Erica Babino
Legislative Director
American Adoption Congress
Beacon - AAC Beacon - Special Edition - Read all about it!

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