PTSD and Adoption

Author: Joe Soll, LCSW, DAPA

"Reliving" or fear of reliving the event, which upsets our day to day living.
This means constant fear of abandonment which can be an unconscious fear:
  • Background Sadness and despair
  • Panic attacks
  • Interpersonal relationship difficulties                   
  • Lack of self-worth 

The above means:
  • Flashback episodes, where the event seems to be happening again and again                                      
  • Repeated upsetting memories of the event
  • Repeated nightmares of the event
  • Self blame or guilt for the traumatic event
  • Strong, uncomfortable reactions to situations that remind you of the event                                      

2. Avoidance 
  • Emotional "numbing," or feeling as though you don't care about anything
  • Feeling detached
  • Difficulty trusting others
  • For the moms, being unable to remember important aspects of the trauma
  • Having a lack of interest in normal activities
  • Showing and being less aware of your moods
  • Avoiding places, people, or thoughts that remind you of the event
  • Thinking you are doomed and  have no future               

3. Arousal

Difficulty concentrating
  • Startling easily
  • Having an exaggerated response to things that startle you
  • Being  more aware of what's going on around you meaning being on the alert for danger
  • Feeling irritable or having outbursts of anger
  • Having trouble falling or staying asleep

You might feel guilt about the event.  You might also have some of the following symptoms, which are typical of anxiety, stress, and tension:
  • Agitation or excitability
  • Dizziness
  • Fainting
  • Feeling your heart beat in your chest
  • Headaches
What can we do to heal?

My preferred method of doing this work is to work with our inner child.

We need to recognize that losing one’s mother or child at birth cannot happen again because we are adults.  We need to explain this to our inner child until he or she believes it.

We need to grieve the loss of our other just as we would grieve a real death.

We need to talk about our trauma as much as we can, at our own pace with those with whom we feel comfortable. 

We need to respect our fears. Doing this work is usually terrifying, yet the more we do it, the less we will be terrified. It’s like  dipping your toein the water bit by bit, getting used to the pain, anger and sadness while knowing it can’t happen again.

We must not watch the clock while doing this work. Our healing is like climbing a mountain of recovery.  Each person’s path up their mountain is windy and full of dips and gullies and crevices that must be traversed to get to the top and get to the top we will! 

Keeping in mind that we survived our trauma without support or help as young people and if we could do that alone, we can surely survive the healing with the caring  support of those around us as adults.    

We can do this!  And, as long as we do not give up, we can and we will Heal!!

"Injuries caused by separation of mother and child can, in time and with work, be dealt with effectively to the point where the loss will not interfere daily in our lives.  Instead, the pain might rear it's head a few times a year.  We may need to cry--get a hug and perhaps vent our anger--but the pain will pass more quickly each time."

In the words of Anais Nin "And the day came when the risk to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom".

Let us Blossom!
Beacon - March 2016

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