AAC Adoption News and Views

Pam Kroskie

Erin Siegel is the author of “Finding Fernanda,”an investigative work of nonfiction. It’s the story of $30,000 U.S. dollars, four Guatemalan “orphans,” one nonprofit evangelical Christian adoption agency, a family-run child-trafficking ring, one infant cut from her unconscious mother’s womb, two tiny missing sisters, and a nine-member Tennessee family who believed wholeheartedly in Christian love and faith—until the dark side of international adoption shattered their blind trust.

It’s also the story of how one poor Guatemalan woman, Mildred Alvarado, reunited with her kidnapped daughters against all odds—and how the trusting American housewife slated to adopt one of those children, Elizabeth Emanuel, accidentally became a reformer dedicated to an ethical adoption system.

Erin Siegal is an investigative journalist and photographer. Her writing and photography have been published in such publications as the New York Times,Time magazine, Newsweek, Mother Jones, Rolling Stone, and more. She has collaborated on projects with NGOs such as the Urban Justice Center, Human Rights Watch, and the United Nations. 

Hear from Erin on blogtalk.

Newsletter - July 2012

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